dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2013

A special race in India

Last month, two friends from St. Hipòlit de Voltregà participated and won a 1300 km race peculiar to India driving a rikshaw (also called tuc-tuc , it's a vehicle that is used as a taxi in India) .

They say that apart from winning the race, they have got considerable experience  since they have crossed a part of the India only with a map and  with a speed of 60-65 km per hour . They also said that this race is like an obstacles course, since the GPS didn't work and they crossed highly populated cities and watched the risks.

However, people helped with mechanical problems and guided them to the finish.

3 comentaris:

  1. Hi Raquel! This new is very interesting! See you sonn!

  2. True Claudia! Sounds like a great experience... nice article!

  3. Do you want to participate in this race? You could create a team with your friends!!
